With Unarmed Forces

Theatrical co-operation between two significant companies in their field - visual Clipa Theater (Israel) and physical Teatr Novogo Fronta (CZ/RU)

With Unarmed Forces is a physical theater piece, based on the concept of object manipulation. The idea was born in November, 2012 in Tel Aviv under the missile atack from Hamas.

A couple is safely enclosed from the outside world, where an endless war is raging. They are engaged in arguments and fights, trying to conceal the sorrow and mourning of the death of their son at war.

Their unhappily ever after is interrupted by an unexpected invasion of an army defector, that quickly destroys all their defenses. The three launch a physical, mental and experimental attack on each other and are pushed to total destruction and chaos, by the spirit of a war – a sad superhero in the shape of a wounded child soldier.

The performers bravely dance into the density of human intolerance, hatred and a desire to make war, not love.

And so, in a massive display of power loss, they compose pictures of rare beauty, that only destruction can display, and hopelessly warped them in brutal humor.

"The fabric of the piece consists of images of hereditary homelessness, God’s punishments, postmodern excess, chronic neurosis, infantile games, and sometimes rises up to images of cruel humor, worthy of Father Ubu."

Divadelni Noviny, Czech Republic

"The creative imagination of the collaborators constructs surprising, dynamic, funny and cruel stage scenes, with a mind-blowing use of simple, everyday objects…tons of originality."

Yediot Acharonot Newspaper, Israel

Directed by: Idit Herman

Performing: Idit Herman, Irina Andreeva, Dmitry Tuylpanov, Achilleas Chariskos


design by various